
38 results
  1. Adeline Lefebvre et Clémence Hugot ont fondé LoopEat en août 2019.

    LoopEat is targeting zero-waste for take-outs and delivered meals

    Founded in August 2019 in Montpellier, LoopEat is committed to the fight against wasting resources. The company launched a crowdfunding campaign with Les Coursiers Montpelliérains to develop meal d...

  2. La ferme urbaine d’Oasis Citadine, à Flaugergues, initie à la permaculture.

    Urban farming: Montpellier Métropole is committed!

    On October 15, 2019, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole signed the French Professional Urban Farming Association charter. The goal is to support producers by reinforcing their ties with residents.

  3. Numérique, circuit court, zéro déchet boostent l’agroécologie et l’alimentation durable @david richard

    Boosting agroecology and sustainable food with digital, direct-to-table, and zero waste

    Digital technology gives an unprecedented boost to agroecology and sustainable food, supported also by new players combining direct-to-table circuits and zero waste initiatives. Explained by the #D...

  4. Nicolas Bricas, chercheur au Cirad, directeur de la Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde à Montpellier

    Towards sustainable urban food policy

    The UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems with Montpellier SupAgro and Cirad launch “Surfood”, a research program for sustainable urban food systems, in partnership with Montpellier Méditerranée Métro...

  5. 2019, une année importante pour l'agroécologie

    2019: an important year for agroecology and sustainable food!

  6. Gilles Lecaillon, PDG d'Ecocéan (au premier plan)©Ecocéan

    Ecocean reinforces marine biodiversity

    The Montpellier company Ecocean protects fish during their most vulnerable growth phase so that they can grow and rebuild marine biodiversity. Ecocean’s latest innovation: a tool for observing spec...

  7. Sonia Trinquier©Mosaïque des hommes et des jardins

    Adapted gardening workshops helping horticultural therapy flourish in Montpellier

    The Montpellier association “Mosaic of people and gardens” organizes gardening workshops designed for frail seniors, people with Alzheimer’s disease, and autistic children. Project: developing ther...

  8. Raphaëlle Anginot, responsable de la Boutique des Sciences

    “Boutique des Sciences”, a collaborative space for ecological projects

    The Boutique des Sciences in Montpellier creates synergy among researchers, students, and association activists. An innovative tool created in 2017 to help collaborative projects emerge across all ...
